Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Intel Pro Wireless driver installation for Inspiron 1525

> Download the wireless driver for inspiron at

> Extract the drivers' .exe file

> Goto .../Intel_multi-device_A12_R164255/XP/Drivers/x64 folder in command prompt

> Assuming that ndiswrapper is already installed, do ndiswrapper -i NETw4x64.INF

> /sbin/insmod /lib/modules/

> /sbin/insmod /lib/modules/

> modprobe lib80211

> modprobe wl

> If you have the wireless switch turned on, you will see the network manager searching for wireless driver

> Done !!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Use Google Calendar from Thunderbird

If you are using thunderbird and the addon for using google calendar is not compatible (with the thunderbird version), follow these steps:
  1. Open the Thunderbird/Sunbird application and select File > New Calendar.
  2. Select On the Network and click Next.
  3. Select the CalDAV format option.
  4. In the Location field, enter [[full email id]/public/basic] and click Next.
  5. Enter a name and select a color for your calendar.
  6. Choose the email address as none. Proceed further.
  7. In the pop-up screen, enter the following information:

    Username: This is the complete email address you use with Google Calendar (including the part after the @ sign).
    Password: This is the password you use to sign in to Google Calendar

  8. Click OK.